Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Main Dishes

I love to eat, and lucky me with the multiples Etnies in my country, there are a lot of different dishes to enjoy. Here I will share with you some of my favorite dishes. Most of them are eaten with rice, but sometimes can be eaten with a cereal called Fonio or a sort of paste made with Mais or Mil

My Number one Favorite: Kansiyé

This dish is made out of peanut butter and you usually eat it with rice.
The sauce can be made with chicken, meat or fish

The Leaves Sauce

We have three variations of this dish. You can make it out of  sweet potato leaves, cassava leaves or even spinach

Spinach sauce
Sweet Potato Leaves sauce

The Ocra Sauce

This dish can be eaten with rice or with a powder made with cassava powder.
I usually do not eat this dish, only if my mum makes it :)

The Tomato sauce

This dish can be make with any meat ( but beef is the best for this), chicken and  most of the time with a smoked catfish called Konkoe 

KonkoeTouré gbeli 
We also have desert such as :

Kabissé, made with little round bowl of mil and milk

And our favorite drinks are

A sweetened drink made out of dry Hibiscus flower and flavored with fruits essences, sometimes extract of vanilla.

A cold ginger juice. My mum usually add fresh pineaple to hers and other fruit essences

I try to share with you the main dishes, the common ones, but we have so many more, such as a soup made with all the tubercules we have, fried sweet potatoes with baked fish etc..
I am glad I live with my mother and that thank to all the African Marke we have here in New York, even though I am away from my country, I get to eat most of those dishes,
Also, you can find a lot of Guinean restaurants serving those dishes here in New Yor in case you want to try here are some of these dishes.


  1. I am truly fascinated by your culture and the fact that you coming to American to pursue and education didn't deter you from being a true Guinean. You have even us facts about the different dishes that one should explore when visiting Guinea and especially making aware of places that serve these dishes. We tend to get carried aware with the American life style of fast food and eating out. I myself love food and look forward to trying Kansiyé. It has all my favorite ingredients in there to make up a great fulling meal. Continue to stay true to your roots girl!

  2. I'm a Guinean and I've been living in the US for 3 years now. Looking at these pictures you shared with us reminded me of how great our food is and how different it taste from the way we cook here in the USA. And by the way, my favorite food is occra sauce with rice and my favorite drink is bissap.

  3. We have the desert with milk, the Bissap and the ginger juice in my country too (Cameroon), and I love them so much.
    As an African myself, I am happy to see how you beautifully presented your country in this blog.

  4. Okay now this is reality! The best food ever is made in guinea definitly

  5. I'm a food lover myself and I have had a few of these dishes: the peanut butter sauce, leaves sauce and ocra sauce, as well as the dessert "kabisse"... & they are so delicious!!! The ginger drink and bissap already exist in my country (Jamaica), so I already know how good they are too... I must admit that one of the main reasons I would love to visit your beautiful country is for the FOOD, lol... Thanks for sharing! This just confirmed why I need to go to Guinea... hopefully one day soon!

  6. It's so amazing to see that people still eat food and have drinks naturally made from true natural sources. Especially the juices, OMG! I beleive there's no juices more natural than this bissap and ginger juice, absolutely not to compare with what we have available everywhere today in our super markets. I really miss all these. Fatouma, I hope it's possible to have access to these food here before we can come to visit Guinnea!

  7. Thank you! I am Nigerian and we have some similar dishes. We do however call them different names. I miss the Bissap drink! We call it zobo, and we also flavor it to our preference. I would like to visit your country, or at least eat from a Guinean restaurant here in the US. I'm a foodie! Thank you for the information. I shall continue to visit. - Ade

  8. Thank you! I am Nigerian and we have some similar dishes. We do however call them different names. I miss the Bissap drink! We call it zobo, and we also flavor it to our preference. I would like to visit your country, or at least eat from a Guinean restaurant here in the US. I'm a foodie! Thank you for the information. I shall continue to visit. - Ade
